Etiwan Park Daniel Island Homes for sale Charleston SC

Homes for Sale Etiwan Park Daniel Island SC | Etiwan Park Neighborhood Daniel Island SC. One of the first neighborhoods of Danie lslandhomes for sale Etiwan Park Charleston SC in Charleston SC this section is close to athletic fields and most of the schools on Daniel Island. View all real estate listings on MLS by price, size, type, location, and neighborhoods on Daniel Island including Etiwan Park properties.

The centerpiece of this community is Etiwan Park itself—a spacious, beautifully landscaped green space where residents gather for outdoor events, sports, and family picnics. The park is home to playgrounds, soccer fields, and shaded seating areas, making it a hub for social activity and recreation. Homes here often feature traditional Southern architecture with front porches and open floor plans, inviting friendly interactions between neighbors.


MLS Listings Data

Total Listings: 1
Average Price: $1,639,000
Highest Listing Price: $1,639,000
Average Days On Market: 25