Riverside of Carolina Park Mount Pleasant SC Homes For Sale

MLS Listings Data: Riverside

Total Listings: 39
Average Price: $2,029,202
Highest Listing Price: $3,062,213
Average Days On Market: 252

There are currently 39 real estate listings for sale in the Riverside section of Carolina Park Mount Pleasant SC on MLS. Real estate property listings have an average sales price of $2,029,202, ranging in price from $1,145,000 to $3,062,213. The average sq ft home is approximately 3,776 square feet for a house in the Riverside of Carolina Park Mount Pleasant SC. The largest property for sale is 4,819 sqft and the smallest 2,568 sqft. View property listings for sale by price, street, subdivision, age, property type, location, features, size, listing date, and time on MLS with an average of two hundred fifty-two days on the market.