The Cove Daniel Island SC Homes For Sale in Charleston SC

The Cove has 17 homesites located within walking distance of the Daniel Island School. At the very tip end next to Smythe Park, The Cove was the last chance to live on the waterfront or marsh front near the schools, and near The Crow’s nest swimming pool.  View All the MLS real estate properties for sale below, and contact us for more information or view other waterfront homes for sale on Daniel Island SC.


MLS Listings Data

Total Listings: 1
Average Price: $1,585,000
Highest Listing Price: $1,585,000
Average Days On Market: 76

There are currently 1 for sale on Daniel Island in The Cove neighborhood. Real estate property listings have an average sales price of $1,585,000, ranging in price from $1,585,000 to $1,585,000. The average sq ft home is approximately 2,904 square feet for a house in The Cove on Daniel Island in Charleston SC. The largest property for sale is 2,904 sqft and the smallest 2,904 sqft. View property listings for sale by price, street, subdivision, age, property type, location, features, size, listing date, and time on MLS with an average of seventy-six days on the market.