Vanderhorst Kiawah Island SC Homes & Real Estate For Sale

Homes for sale in Vanderhorst Plantation Kiawah Island SC. Located behind the second gate on Kiawah the Vanderhorst Plantationhomes for sale vanderhorst plantation kiawah is the exclusive mostly waterfront, beachfront, and golf course front real estate houses & lots. The sections within Kiawah’s vast Vanderhorst community offer water access with area amenities including Rhett’s Bluff Boat Landing and Eagle Point Boat Landing in The Preserve, and the Cinder Creek Pavilion provides easy canoe and kayak storage. The Vanderhorst community is closest to The Kiawah Island Club’s seaside Beach Club and marsh-front Marsh House in Ocean Park boasting closer easier access to the legendary Ocean Course, Osprey Point, and the private River golf courses. View all MLS real estate property listings for sale on Kiawah Island: new constructioncondosfractionalsoceanfront villas, waterfront properties, & more.

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MLS Listings Data: Vanderhorst

Total Listings: 1
Average Price: $4,395,000
Highest Listing Price: $4,395,000
Average Days On Market: 21

Houses For Sale Vanderhorst subdivision Kiawah Island SC. MLS real estate listings for sale in Vanderhorst Kiawah Island SC by price, street, age, list date, bedrooms & more Vanderhorst Kiawah Island SC. Currently, Vanderhorst in Kiawah Island SC  has a total of one listings on the local MLS for sale with an average price point of $4,395,000, the max being $4,395,000 and the lowest priced house $4,395,000. The neighborhood of Vanderhorst subdivision in Kiawah Island SC has an average house size of 6,352 sq ft and the average days on the market in this community is 21.